Web commerce is changing the way a lot of companies do business, but it's not everything it's pumped up to be. We separate fact from fiction.
few IT trends have been hyped more than electronic commerce--and considering the industry's penchant for hyperbole, that's saying a lot. Stock valuations of E-commerce players defy fundamentals. Predictions of triple-digit market growth abound.
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There's no question that the Internet has emerged as an enormous force for change over the past four years--in IT, in business relationships, and in the way millions of people receive and communicate information. But the resulting gold-rush atmosphere has produced the typical gold-rush side effects: exaggeration and oversimplification of the real issues.
It's time for a reality check. Following are the eight biggest myths about E-commerce, debunked by those best qualified to do so--IT and industry professionals trying to make E-commerce work for them.