6. Prepare a Unique Selling Proposition
The concept was pretty well worked out, but now I needed to squeeze it down to a single sentence or two that summarizes the Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and differentiates it from the many thousands of Bible studies on the Internet today. The USP is the next stage in the launch countdown.
This was my thinking. Jesus trained his disciples over a period of time, not using some kind of crash course. The Bible tells of a would-be follower who asks Jesus, "Rabbi, where are you staying?" Instead of giving the man his street address, Jesus' answer is, "Come and see." He invites the man to walk with him. Eventually he gathers twelve disciples who walk with him for a period of three years. Day-by-day they hear what he teaches, learn what it means, see how he relates to people, and learn to do the same. It is a walk, not an event. So my mind begins to spin and the wheel lands on "JesusWalk." What a great name for this kind of long-term, ongoing Bible study! So here's the USP:
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JesusWalk provides e-mail lessons and discussion groups to help participants learn over time what Jesus said and did, and how to follow him today. JesusWalk is staffed by volunteers and supported by donations from participants.
The unique aspects of this Bible study are (1) lessons combined with discussion to provide maximum learning, (2) using e-mail as a vehicle, (3) an unrushed time frame, (4) and a purpose focused helping people learn to follow Jesus, that is, becoming disciples themselves. So far as I know, no other online Bible study of the scope I envision, incorporates each of these elements. JesusWalk is unique and, I think, will be attractive to thousands. (Hey, you've got to believe in your USP!. If you don't, you won't be successful.)
Incidentally, don't skip the step of refining your concept down to a USP. If you can write a clear and precise USP, you have a chance for success. If you can't, don't waste your energy, time, and money. A clear USP is an essential component for a prosperous e-business -- any business for that matter.