1. Execute Marketing Strategies
You've heard of missile launch countdowns being held at T minus 15 seconds. There are many activities to carry out in this last stage, though some of them can continue after the launch. Many sites don't really have a marketing plan, but without a marketing plan, you can't expect to succeed. Here's my strategy to get the word out.
1. Announce via in-house participant lists. I first send e-mail announcements of JesusWalk.com to a list of 850 recent study participants, personalizing each message using MessageMedia MailKing 2.0 (http://www.mailking.com/?wmt66) and a Microsoft Access database.
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2. Publicize via in-house newsletter lists. My Joyful Heart newsletter list, developed over a period of nearly four years from my Christian Articles Archive site, includes 20,000+ subscribers. I employ this list to announce the JesusWalk.com study several times during December -- each announcement accompanied by a Christmas article. The principle is to give people something they value, and then market something else to them. If I were just to market without offering some free information, I'd lost subscribers, because I would have broken the unwritten value proposition contract I have with subscribers.
3. Provide news releases to key editors of major religious e-mail newsletters, with a request to review the new site. This has been successful in the past.
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4. Use JesusWalk.com as a case study in Web Marketing Today. The article you are reading is marketing, of course, but I provide it within the context of valuable information that has wide application to my readers' online businesses, even though they may have little interest in learning more about Jesus and Christianity.
5. Register with search engines and directories after preparing titles and META description and keyword tags for each webpage.
6. Display banner ads in the Christian Articles Archives site, which enjoys tens of thousands of visitors each week during the Christmas season (http://www.joyfulheart.com/xmas/).
7. Provide a brief text link to the JesusWalk.com study on every page of the Christian Articles Archive site, employing the Server Side Include files already inserted below the headline.
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8. Encourage "viral marketing" (I hate that expression) by deliberately asking subscribers to request that each of their churches include a short blurb in church bulletins and newsletters (http://www.jesuswalk.com/faq/blurbs.htm), as well as on websites and e-mail newsletters.
9. Stimulate "viral marketing" by asking each subscriber to forward a copy of my e-mail newsletter to a friend who might be interested. We strongly discourage people from actually signing up their friends to the study, and make it extremely easy to get off the list in case that happens.
We're well on our way. At this writing 1,044 participants have signed up with two-and-a-half weeks to go before launch. I'm expecting thousands more before too long.
Blast Off! Open Business
7 - 6 -5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Blast Off! We "officially" set the launch date for January 1, 2000 -- more for dramatic effect than anything else. People are often open on New Year's Day to making new resolutions, such as nurturing their spiritual side. How much more on the day that begins a new century and millennium!
Every e-business is unique. The one you're operating or considering is doubtless much different than http://www.jesuswalk.com, but I expect that you'll find a number of ideas in this article to improve your site. Why don't you write them down in a To-Do list before your forget. I wish you every success in your e-business in the new millennium!
Finding customers is one thing, as HVAC businesses can use all types of Social Media in order to generate thousands of leads. The real trick comes when it is time to convert all those leads to actual customers.
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