
7 Steps to E-Business Launch(Part 6)

2. Construct Website and E-mail Systems
Your project will be unique. These are some of the steps involved in setting up the systems necessary to run a high traffic website and e-mail publication with the minimum of labor later. Even though we're getting closer to launch, there's a great deal to do, though not necessarily in this order. (Of course, there are other items in addition to the list below. This is only a sampling.)
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1. Write website introduction and guidelines for group participation. It's important to carefully qualify participants and manage expectations, so they have a clear idea of the service and aren't disappointed later.
2. Design basic webpage templates for http://www.jesuswalk.com using Server Side Includes.
3. Prepare site graphics that help tell the story, but minimize download time.
4. Devise and test a mock-up of the product, in this case a sample e-mail lesson format.
5. Set up a navigation system to allow the site to grow in complexity. We used a left-side menu constructed with Server Side Includes, in order to avoid the marketing problems created by an HTML frames format. We also included JesusWalk.com to our existing site search engine and menu structure to encourage crossover to our http://www.joyfulheart.com site
6. Install online e-commerce software on an SSL secure server to facilitate online contributions. We use an existing system combining Open Market ShopSite e-commerce software (http://www.shopsite.com/) and real-time credit card authorization and payment processing by Signio (formerly PaymentNet, http://www.signio.com/?wmt66). Of course, a merchant credit card account is necessary to take credit card payments.
7. Develop an online subscription system that will simultaneously subscribe participants to our Joyful Heart newsletter, and the JesusWalk lesson series, in addition to an optional e-mail discussion group.
8. Work out an online tab-delimited logfile that records information from each subscriber for statistical and contact purposes, and can be downloaded and imported into Microsoft Access for analysis.
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9. Make available an online system to allow participants to automatically change an e-mail address or discussion group, or to unsubscribe from the service entirely.
10. Provide for e-mail lesson distribution on a Lyris listserver at SparkList.com (http://www.sparklist.com/?wmt66). Previously I had used Majordomo lists that could be run from my server, but I've learned that for larger lists, the older Majordomo program requires considerable manual subscribing and unsubscribing that Lyris virtually eliminates. Though Lyris isn't free, it's worth the cost in administrative time savings.
-------- www.e-shops-list.com ----- In thought here, out thought also here-----online shops list ----

11. Initiate numerous optional discussion lists at ONElist.com (recently merged with eGroups.com, http://www.onelist.com). There are free, supported by brief ads at the end of each e-mail message. I use ONElist.com because they allow subscriptions from the forms-to-email CGI program I am accustomed to using (FormHandler.cgi found in the CGI-Perl Cookbook, Wiley, 1998,
12. http://amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0471168963/wilsoninternetse). The ONElist interface is pretty easy to use, and allows multiple moderators with differing levels of authority. ONElist enables participants to select their own level of e-mail participation -- either all e-mail messages, a daily digest, or reading on the website only (with no e-mail). Each list requires a description, welcome message, and carefully set parameters. I prepared about a dozen lists, and may well need more.
13. Recruit leaders to monitor discussion in each group to ensure quality, and spot problems early.
-------- www.e-shops-list.com ----- look up find and enjoy ----online store list ----- e shops list --

14. Arrange a random number generator so that discussion groups fill evenly with participants. I use the extensive capabilities of CentralAd 4.0 (http://www.centralad.com/?wmt66), though there are several other ways to accomplish this.
15. Secure volunteer staffing for each discussion group. This involves preparing online application forms and moderator instructions, and taking the time for telephone interviewing and reference checking.
16. Complete miscellaneous business functions, such as filing a fictitious business name statement, securing a business license, setting up a bank account, etc.

