
Business Growing On The Net

-------- www.e-shops-list.com ----- Convenience you can never imagine ---- online store list -----

by Peter DeWolf

Business is everywhere on the Internet. Small companies and large are
making their presence felt. According to a recent survey done by Jupiter
Communications, a research firm in New York, 132 million dollars US was
the total business transacted directly on the Internet during 1995. This does
not include business that may have been attracted by a Web presence, and
completed off-line by conventional means.

In 1996, projections call for this amount of direct Internet commerce to triple,
and by the year 2000, less than 4 years from now, the amount will top 4
billion dollars US annually. Not only are computer-related businesses going
on-line to advertise and sell their wares, but such mail-order giants as L.L.
Bean and Eddie Bauer Corporation. You can view their products, and order
on-line. Even Pizza Hut can be found, and yes, you can order the stuffed crust
too. It is only a matter of time before your screen lights up with "would you
like fries with that too?".

Many towns and cities are on the Internet, with maps, guides aimed at tourists
and investors, and even real estate listings. It has become possible to get
information on your destination, book hotel reservations, and a flight; then
notify your relatives of your arrival time, all on-line. Oh yes, don't forget to
make reservations at a nice restaurant, a complete listing of good eating
establishments are available for many cities. The local newspaper on-line will
provide you with a lot of great ideas also.
-------- www.e-shops-list.com ----- Convenience you can never imagine ---- online store list -----

The smaller business person will say, this is all wonderful, but how does it
relate to me? I am not a huge corporation with a big market area or share. A
perfect example is a local business in my area, who makes custom wood
furniture. Before he hooked up to the Internet, his possible market was
restricted to the Ottawa Valley, and by word of mouth. With a Web Page, he
now attracts inquiries and business from all over the world. His cost is less
than 50 dollars a month for this opportunity to have a world-wide presence. If
you are interested in visiting a well set-up Page that attracts attention and is
well organised try "http://www.igs.net/woodworks".

The important thing for any business is to clearly define what they wish to
accomplish on the Internet, and take the time and effort to present the right
image. As in any business, first impressions mean a lot, and how your product
or service appear will determine your success. A well organized presentation,
done professionally, will attract the clientele you want. Unless you feel
comfortable working with Hypertext Mark-up Language, it might be
advisable to use a consultant. Talk to your Internet Service Provider, he may
have some suggestions, or talk to other businesses you see on the Net, and
ask. It is common for a Web Page to have an author's name on it, so if you
see a presentation that catches your eye, see if the consultant who produced it
is listed, or contact the company and ask. Remember, with the Internet, it
doesn't matter if the consultant is nearby, because distance has no meaning on
the Web.
Until next time, see you in cyberspace. Drop me a line at "whisper@igs.net".
-------- www.e-shops-list.com ----- Convenience you can never imagine ---- online store list -----

2 条评论:

  1. When one of my high school friends started a business, it took him a couple of years to get it online. But once he did so, his life became a lot easier. He was almost exclusively able to move his business online, with very little face-to-face interaction. This set-up works great for him. It's allowed him to focus more on the creation aspect, rather than the logistical aspects of running a business with customer service employees and paying store wages. He's much happier and is doing better now that he learned how to start an online business.

  2. Starting an online business get to be popular? Nowadays, there is a great deal of discussion quitting the day employment and beginning an online business.
