by Peter DeWolf
Imagine millions of potential customers exposed to your unique products and services.
Would that increase the chances of your business expanding and thriving in these tough
economic times? Add to that not having to pay a large rent bill every month, or cover the
financial burdens of a large inventory, and have I got your attention? Large and small
companies alike are discovering the Internet, and the potential it represents. A recent
survey found that upwards of 74% of medium and large businesses in North America are
planning to make use of the Internet for intercommunications and a information resource.
Fully 23% are interested in selling their services or goods directly on the Web.
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Most Internet users are in the profile that business today wishes to attract, the 25 to 50
year old, with a 30,000 dollar a year or more income, and a few dollars of disposable
income. This group represents the majority of Internet users, and traditionally businesses
have paid big dollars to get their message to this audience. A Home Page, properly
planned and executed, can bring in big rewards by extending the reach of your current
marketing techniques to encompass whole new areas.
Many businesses are already advertising on some of the more popular Internet sites, by
placing their logos at the top of the page. This usually contains a link that a potential
customer can click on to reach the advertiser's Home Page, to get more information, and
in some cases, even place an order. Some sites even have multiple pages that allow the
business to show off its product or services in some detail.
Current technology for home pages includes the protocol HTML, or hyper text machine
language. It can be difficult to work with, but programs are available to allow you to "roll
your own". If you don't have the time or the inclination to learn for yourself, then you
guessed it, there are businesses set up to do the work for you in a professional manner.
The future is even more exciting. Already, in a few selected sites, is a new protocol called
Hot Java, which will allow for audio and moving video clips to enhance your presentation.
Imagine a TV ad aimed at your potential customer, when he is actually watching, and not
busy at the refrigerator. Best of all, they have chosen to watch, as they have a genuine
interest in your product.
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A good non-profit Home Page I have seen recently is for the Optimist Club in the Ottawa
Valley. They are available by asking your search engine for Arnprior, and then click on
Optimist Club. There are multiple links to individual clubs, and related organisations, and
after connecting to the Arnprior Club, I can even get a listing of my favourite Redman
games. That information is available to anyone on the Web, anywhere in the world.
At last count there were 10 million users on the Internet, and that is expected to increase
to well over 100 million in the next five years, and to 200 million by 2005. That is a lot of
potential customers. My server's home page which lists a number of links to area
businesses has had almost 55,000 visitors since mid-summer. Yes, you can even count the
number of times your page has been accessed.
When I am finished this column, I will be checking into the Net, sending this article to be
typeset, downloading my mail, then renewing a subscription to a magazine, all without
stamps, or a visit to the post office, or writing a cheque; you get the idea. That leaves me
time to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee at my favourite restaurant, before heading into work.
One question I have been asked by several people is what is the gender gap on the Net?
All the research I have seen indicates that in actual users, 25% are women. That gap is
likely to close, as women are now far less intimidated by technology, and are actually
more willing to try new ways of doing things, than many men. With many women now
starting home based businesses, the Internet provides them with great potential for
expansion, so the feeling is that women may soon exceed men in their utilisation of this
I look forward to the day, not far off, when I can enjoy my coffee at home, and do my
days work without having to leave my house. For many people, Huxley's prediction of a
brave new society without work in the traditional sense, is not far off. Information and the
ability to distribute and accumulate it, is fast becoming the true coin of the realm.
I invite your comments and suggestions, as they allow this column to be relevant to your
interests. Until next time, see you in cyberspace.
Peter DeWolf is a freelance journalist, and former broadcaster who makes Glasgow
Station Ontario his home. He may be reached concerning this column through this
newspaper, or by e-mail at "".
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Actually I do hope one day, I could like author’s wish wish,I can stay at home, and money pure in , is it just a hope, or may be one day will be true… “I look forward to the day, not far off, when I can enjoy my coffee at home, and do my days work without having to leave my house.”