
Writing a Compelling Subject Line: Will Your Reader Open the E-mail

------ www.e-shops-list.com ----- Easy and quick link dozens online store ----- online store list Many marketers choose to measure the success of an e-mail marketing campaign by the open rate—or the percentage of people who choose to look at the e-mail, says Dave A. Young. By looking at this statistic, you'll get a sense if your subject line is working, or if it needs work.

One study by MailChimp took a look at 273 million e-mails that were sent out. Depending on the industry, 20 to 40 percent of the e-mails were opened—the rest were not. A higher open rate will lead to more conversions, which is the idea of sending the e-mail in the first place. And to have a compelling subject line, you need to be on good terms with the potential customer.
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"One thing I really believe in is that the subject line by itself is only half of the equation," says Tarr. "The other half is who it comes from."

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